Ginseng Extract
CAS NO.: 90045-38-8
Active Ingredient: Ginsenoside 80%
Sieve Analysis: 100% through 80 mesh
Test Method: UV
Ginseng Extract description
The plant form of Ginseng Extract:
Ginseng is the dried root of Araliaceae. The active ingredients in ginseng include ginsenoside, non-saponin, small peptides and peptides, polysaccharides and so on.
Fuction of Ginseng Extract:
1. For the central nervous system: calming, promoting nerve growing, anti-convulsion & labor pains; anti-febrile.
2. For the cardiovascular system: anti-cardiac arrythmia & ischemia myocardial.
3. For the blood system: anti-hemolysis; stopping bleeding; bringing down blood coagulability; restraining blood platelets clotting; regulating blood-fat; anti-atherosclerosis; bringing down blood sugar.
4. For the modulation: anti-fatigues; anti-oxygen & blood deficit; anti-shock; anti-thirst.
5. For immunity system: improving achroacyte conversion; inducing immune factor growing; strengthening immunity.
6. For the incretion system: inducing serum proteins, bone marrow proteins, organ proteins, brain proteins, fat, stem cells proteins synthesis; inducing fat and sugar metabolism.
7. For the urinary system: antidiuresis.